
Wednesday 17 August 2016


Name of product
Who do you think the intended buyer is?People that love subway

What kind of advert is it?

TV                           Radio                  Magazine           Poster
How do they try to persuade you to buy it?

With pictures      

With words        

With music

With questions

With jokes

With catchphrases

With jingles

Other: ____________________
Do you think it is a good advert?

           Yes          No


Because some of the fact’s are not real and

Would you buy the product?     Yes                      No


Because some of the facts are not real and when you buy it you waste money
Do you think the advert is honest?  Yes                      No

Why?Because people mighty not know that a steering wheel is a pretzel
Today we had to fill out a form and we had some adds that we had to advert i did subway some of the question were hard but i tried my best i think i should understand some of the question.

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