
Wednesday 23 May 2018

How to solve the 9 times table?

How do you solve the 9 times table? This week Mrs Anderson's maths group were learning how to solve the 9 times table and bigger numbers using the 10 times table strategies. A quick way to solve your 9 times tables it to times a number for example 3 then you times it by 10. Your answer should be 30 then you minus 3 the answer should be 27. Then you need to add it to the top and you answer should say 3 x 9=27.

My DLO has Examples of what it should look like as well as an explanation and Screencastify.


  1. Greetings Angela

    I really like your DLO about your 9x times table. What I like about this is how you have explained how you solve the 9 times table and how you added a screencastify. What I think you should change is the colours and the layout. Is this your first time creating a DLO about your 9x times table.

    - Magenta

    1. Hello Magenta
      Thank you for your comment.I really like how I explain how to solve the 9 times table using the 10 times table.Yes this was my first time Making a DLO about 9x times table.Have you ever Created a DLO about 9 times table?
