
Sunday, 20 January 2019

Day 3 - Activity 1 - Bird of the Year - Week 3

This week I needed to write a short description of a brid. I needed to talk about Where it lived and it eats. Here is a DLO with information about a bird I chose the bird I chose was a Tui. I have added some pictures and attributed them. My favorite thing about tuis is the color of themselves. Did you know that Tuis have 2 voice boxes.


  1. Hello Angela,
    Thanks for completing this task and thanks a lot for sharing your advice and the information you have done. I have enjoyed every blog post you have done. I really like how you choose a Tui. I choose a different bird. I also like how you included a photo, but next time attribute your photo.

    Have you ever seen a real-life Tui?


  2. Good afternoon Angela,

    Congratulations on creating a DLO about this beautiful species of birds. I have actually seen a Tui in a forest and its colours were so eye-catching and beautiful! I never knew that it had a scientific name. Wow, what a long complicated name for a bird! Did you try to pronounce this word? I'm not sure if I'm doing it right!

    It is also interesting to find out that the male Tuis are usually heavier than the females. Do you know if they're quite different in visual appearance as well? I wonder if the males would be noticeably bigger in size. I hope I would be able to tell them apart next time.

    What is your favourite type of bird and did you ever see it in real life? If you do come across a bird like this, would you take a picture?

    Keep up the awesome work,
    Susie :)

  3. Hello Angela! Amazing choice of bird, the Tui is well known to New Zealand. I like you've attributed your photos to earn yourself full points for this activity. These have very interesting features and appearances which make them very unique. Keep it up!

  4. GrettiGre Angela,

    My name is Araura and I am from Wesley Primary School.

    First of all congratulations on your amazing post. I love Tuis, A Tui is one of my favorite birds.
    Actually I didn't now bellbirds were honeyeaters. Great job :)

    I also like how you added alot of facts about the bird and added alot of images.

    Keep up the good work.

    Blog you later Bye 😀
