
Sunday 23 December 2018

Day 4 - Activity 1 - Planes, Trains and Automobiles - Week 2

This week I was to choose an option to take to Milford Sound. I was to choose an option between taking a walk around the area, taking a boat cruise, or a helicopter that flies above. I prefer taking a boat cruise it gives you really nice views and it a great place to relax near the water. I enjoy swimming and they have lots of swimming activity so that would be fun. If the weather is nice and windy then I would walk to exercise and to explore more about whats around it.


  1. Hello Angela, it's Billy here form the SLJ team.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on visiting Milford Sound and selecting a mode of transport to do so. I think I would choose the boat too because it would go at a nice pace, it wouldn't be as noisy as the helicopter or as slow as walking. You could also relax ad sunbathe, maybe dive off the boat into the water when you needed to cool down.

    So where would you take the boat after visiting the Milford Sound? Would you take it to visit another country or some smaller islands perhaps?

    Thanks, Billy.

  2. Greetings Angela,
    Wow your opinion of taking the boat really is cool. The view would be so beautiful. What would you take on this boat?. Great Work!

  3. Hello Angela! I had the same choice of transportation as you, I would enjoy taking a boat there since it would be more relaxing and spaceful. It's great to hear your reasoning why and using the two photos for each option you chose. Keep it up!

  4. Hi Angela,

    What an amazing blog post from you. I chose the same transportation choice as you, because of the wonderful views. Just like Victoria I'd enjoy taking a boat cruise either than anything else, because the cruise goes slowly as you can snap a beautiful pic.

